-skip to about 4 minutes in if you don’t want to watch me go through the process of creating the patch and just hear how it turns out.-
I’ve been enjoying Ableton’s Analog instrument lately. I normally make my own patches from sampling synths or playing synths so this instrument has been pretty overlooked by me for a while. With all this free time I’ve been diving into several different features I haven’t explored yet. Analog is a lot of fun. I still think sampler instruments sound better, I haven’t been able to achieve that deep low tone I’d love to hear out of an analog synth with this instrument. But I still think it sounds good and has some interesting modulation features. I’ve been making some presets I plan to share as a free pack soon. Unfortunately Analog only comes with Live Suite, but right now Live Suite is free trial for 90 days so if you just picked it up and have been curious about Analog, this is an example of me creating a modulating pad pretty quickly, and playing around a bit over it. Analog is laid out nicely for someone used to playing analog synthesizers. Check it out if you haven’t already. It’s actually quite a bit of fun.